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Spring Break & Women in Language


This Spring Break is a relaxing one, and I am definitely excited to have a week off before the last push through the semester. If you have read any of my other posts, you will see that I am a Spanish major in college and I really enjoy language learning. I was looking up language learning on the internet and came across the Women in Language online conference. It ended yesterday, and it was so cool to see how excited other people are about languages. I wrote on the private Facebook group that I wanted this conference to get me even more motivated to learn languages, and it definitely did that. I am currently working through watching videos, but I have watched a good chuck already.

I was watching a talk that showed how to learn more than one language in a class at the same time. The presenter showed a video of her students answering questions in Spanish, French, and Italian. I already study Spanish, and I am currently taking my third class of French, and when I heard the Italian I understood it because it is so similar to Spanish. I really hope to have these languages learned soon. This leads me on to say that I am ready to start my language learning journey. You might be thinking that I am going to receive a four year degree in a language and therefore my language learning journey should have started then, but I am so excited to start learning languages on my own.

Another video talked about the Goldlist Method, which I had never heard of. It is a way of learning vocabulary that is a little bit confusing (I need to read more about it) but apparently you learn words even after not looking at them for two weeks. I am excited to see if it actually works, and I think I have a general idea to get started on it.

This semester I have probably been using Spanish the most than any other because I have three classes in it, plus I am learning French, I am excited to try and learn on my own. I will make a post about my experience learning in the classroom verse my yourself, once I learn by myself some more.

I want to track my language learning journey, so I think I am going to make a language learning bullet journal, I already have used a bullet journal in the past, but it was in a regular notebook and it will be interesting to use one with the dots. I will also track my language learning goals in posts like these.

Some of the things I want to try while learning is: the Goldlist method and also French and Spanish for Dummies, which sounds basic, but I used the French one and it is really cool to see the pronunciation, which makes it easier because french is hard to pronounce, although I am getting better this semester. I also think it would be fun to try to learn a language in only one way. For example, try learning Italian only through watching videos, or only learning Japanese by reading, it will probably be almost impossible, but I think it would be fun. I also want to use my brief case and make it a language learning kit. A lot of this will probably happen after I graduate, but the future looks fun!


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